General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery – GTC FLOHE
(Status 3 December 2018)
1 General
The General Terms and Conditions of Sale for Deliveries of the FLOHE Group (AVB FLOHE) apply to all contracts in which the company Flohe GmbH or the companies FLOHE Berg GmbH, FLOHE Cable Technologies GmbH, Flohe Hochstromtechnik GmbH, FLOHE Steel GmbH acts as seller and the other contracting party as buyer.
For the company FLOHE Fouilleret SAS (France), the GCS FLOHE apply to all contracts where FLOHE Fouilleret SAS acts as seller and the other contracting party as buyer and has its registered office outside the French Republic.
For FLOHE LINKWEL Power Pvt. Ltd. (India) the GCS FLOHE shall apply to all contracts where FLOHE LINKWEL Power Pvt. Ltd. is the seller and the other contracting party is the buyer and has its registered office outside the Republic of India.
The GCSD FLOHE apply exclusively in legal transactions with entrepreneurs in the sense of § 14 BGB (German Civil Code). We do not accept any terms and conditions of the buyer deviating from the GCSD FLOHE, unless we have expressly agreed to their validity in writing.
The present version of the GCSD FLOHE is valid as of 03.12.2018. It replaces all previous General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
2 Offer, content of the contract
Our offers are subject to change without notice, unless they are designated as binding. A contract shall only be concluded upon our written order confirmation. We deliver and perform in accordance with our written order confirmation and the GCS FLOHE.
Amendments to the contract must at least be in text form (§ 126b BGB) and only become effective with our confirmation.
The contract shall remain effective even if individual parts of the contract should not be effective.
The buyer cannot transfer rights from the contract. 3.
3. withdrawal from the contract, force majeure
The buyer shall only have the right to withdraw from the contract if he has put us in default by granting us a reasonable period of grace. We can make use of this right if the buyer does not fulfil his payment obligations towards us or third parties or if a significant deterioration in the buyer’s financial circumstances occurs after conclusion of the contract, in particular if compulsory enforcement measures or insolvency proceedings are carried out or initiated.
In the event of force majeure and other unavoidable events, we may restrict delivery for the duration of the effects or withdraw from the contract in whole or in part. Such events and force majeure shall include, in particular, labour disputes, operational disruptions, repairs at the manufacturer’s works that cannot be postponed, official measures of any kind, defective extraction or delayed or restricted supply of raw and auxiliary materials, power, water and, if applicable, gas failure, lack of means of transport, traffic difficulties, war, riot and the like as well as any other unavoidable event.
4 Delivery, quantity determination, inspection and acceptance of goods
Unless otherwise agreed, delivery times quoted are “ex works” (EXW Incoterms 2010) and apply after timely fulfilment of all cooperation and provision obligations incumbent on the Buyer. Delivery shall be deemed to have taken place as soon as we have indicated that the purchased item is ready for collection by the buyer.
EXW Incoterms 2010 shall apply to the shipment of the object of sale; notwithstanding this, we shall be entitled to select the forwarding agent or carrier. Delivery costs shall be borne by the buyer. If the mode of dispatch is not specified, we do not give any guarantee for the cheapest mode of dispatch.
If the loading or transport of the goods is delayed by the buyer after a request for collection, we shall be entitled to store the goods at the buyer’s expense and risk, to take all measures deemed necessary for their preservation and to charge them to the buyer without prejudice to his continuing right and obligation to collect the goods. The same shall apply if goods notified as ready for dispatch are not collected within three days of notification of readiness for dispatch. Further rights on our part to compensation for damages shall remain unaffected.
The DIN standards shall apply to compliance with specified dimensions. Otherwise, we state dimensions and weights in our offers and order confirmations to the best of our knowledge. An excess or short delivery of up to 10% compared to the order quantity is permissible for series productions. Partial deliveries are permissible. The weights and delivery quantities stated in our delivery notes and invoices shall be decisive for invoicing.
EXW Incoterms 2010 shall apply to the transfer of risk. We shall not be obliged to insure the delivery item for transport to the buyer without a separate agreement. This shall also apply if we have selected the forwarder or carrier.
An agreed acceptance of goods under special test conditions shall be carried out in our works. The costs for the acceptance representatives shall be borne by the buyer. If the buyer fails to carry out this inspection, the goods shall be deemed to have been delivered in accordance with the contract when they leave our works. Otherwise, § 377 HGB (German Commercial Code) shall apply.
5 Payment
All prices quoted are net prices excluding taxes, customs duties and other charges as well as the costs of packaging and transport.
We shall grant a cash discount only upon agreement; however, the prerequisite is always the settlement of our other due claims. The date of receipt of payment shall be decisive for the retention of discount periods.
Offsetting as well as the exercise of a right of lien and retention against us shall only be permissible with claims which are due and have been recognised by us or have become res judicata.
6. retention of title
The goods remain our property until all present and future claims arising from the business relationship with the buyer have been settled. The buyer is obliged to store the goods separately. The buyer shall carry out any processing or treatment on our behalf without any obligations accruing to us as a result. The buyer shall transfer to us in advance any rights arising from the combination or mixing of the goods subject to retention of title with other items upon receipt of the goods subject to retention of title.
The purchaser shall keep the products or aggregate of products in safe custody for us. The buyer may only sell the goods subject to retention of title and the items resulting from their treatment or processing under the same retention of title and may not impair our rights of retention by otherwise disposing of the goods (e.g. pledging, transfer of ownership by way of security).
Access by third parties to the reserved goods must be reported to us immediately. All claims to which the buyer is entitled from the resale or for other legal reasons shall be assigned to us in advance. If the goods subject to retention of title are sold together with other items not belonging to us or if they are included in deliveries of work and materials, the assignment shall only apply to the amount of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title. The buyer is authorised to collect the assigned claims. At our request, he shall notify the debtors of the assignment. If the value of this security exceeds our claims by more than 20%, we shall release securities at our discretion at the buyer’s request. 7.
7. default of payment and credit default
The buyer shall be in default without reminder if he culpably fails to pay as agreed. In the event of default of payment, all our claims shall become due. The buyer may no longer sell the goods in our ownership or co-ownership and is obliged to provide us with securities. The same applies if we have justified doubts about the creditworthiness of the buyer. Notwithstanding other claims for default of payment, we shall be entitled to interest on our claims from the due date at a rate of 9 percentage points above the base interest rate. The buyer shall grant us a right of lien on the material handed over to us for the execution of the order and on claims in lieu thereof as security for all present and future claims arising from the business relationship with him. If the buyer defaults on payment or credit, we shall be entitled to sell the pledged material on the open market at the market price (quotation of the London Metal Exchange), in the case of non-quotation at the average German market price on the day of the default in payment or credit default.
8. rights to tools, moulds and models
The buyer does not acquire any rights to tools, moulds and models by paying a share of the costs.
9. industrial property rights of third parties
If industrial property rights of third parties are violated during delivery according to drawings or other information of the buyer, the buyer shall indemnify us against all claims. This includes internal and external costs of legal defence.
10 Warranty
A material defect shall be deemed to exist if the goods deviate more than insignificantly from the agreed specification at the time of the transfer of risk; the contractually agreed quality of the goods shall be governed exclusively by the express agreements.
Liability for material defects is also excluded if the deviation from the contractually agreed quality is due to improper handling of the goods by the buyer.
We shall only assume liability for a specific purpose or a specific suitability if and to the extent that we have expressly promised this in writing. In all other respects, the risk of suitability and use lies with the buyer.
Agreed specifications and an agreed intended use do not constitute a guarantee; the assumption of a guarantee requires an express written agreement.
Der Käufer ist verpflichtet, uns unverzüglich nach einer Mängelrüge Gelegenheit zur Überprüfung der beanstandeten Ware zu geben. Auf Verlangen ist uns die betreffende Ware oder eine Probe auf unsere Kosten zuzusenden.
Bei schuldhaft unberechtigter Mängelrüge sind wir berechtigt, vom Käufer die Erstattung sämtlicher dadurch verursachter Schäden zu verlangen. Zu diesen Schäden gehören insbesondere jedoch nicht abschließend sämtliche interne und externe Prüfungskosten, Versandkosten sowie interne und externe Kosten der Rechtsverteidigung.
Bei Vorliegen eines Sachmangels leisten wir entsprechend der geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen Nacherfüllung, dieses mit der Maßgabe, dass wir nach unserer Wahl durch Mangelbeseitigung oder Lieferung mangelfreier Ware leisten. Wird die Nacherfüllung durch uns nicht innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums erfolgreich durchgeführt, so ist der Käufer nach erfolglosem Ablauf einer dafür gesetzten Nachfrist berechtigt, entweder den Kaufpreis herabzusetzen oder vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Erfüllungsort für die Nacherfüllung ist unser Geschäftssitz.
11. Haftung
Bei durch von uns oder unseren Erfüllungsgehilfen verursachten Schäden haften wir bei Vorsatz und grober Fahrlässigkeit, nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Das gleiche gilt bei fahrlässig verursachten Schäden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit. Bei fahrlässig verursachten Sach- und Vermögensschäden haften wir und unsere Erfüllungsgehilfen nur bei der Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht, jedoch der Höhe nach beschränkt auf die bei Vertragsschluss vorhersehbaren und vertragstypischen Schäden; wesentliche Vertragspflichten sind solche, deren Erfüllung den Vertrag prägt und auf die der Kunde vertrauen darf.
12. Export, Import. Zoll und Außenwirtschaftsrecht
Die Einhaltung sämtlicher Genehmigungspflichten und Anzeigen in Bezug auf die Ware hinsichtlich (Re-) Exporten oder Importen sowie Zollbestimmungen obliegt alleine dem Käufer. Bei der Einholung etwaiger Genehmigungen und der Vornahme von Anzeigen in Bezug auf die Ware hinsichtlich (Re-) Exporten oder Importen sowie Zollbestimmungen werden wir ausschließlich zur Erfüllung eigener Pflichten tätig. Dem Käufer steht insofern kein Anspruch, Leistungs- oder Schadensersatzanspruch gegen uns zu.
Bei Abholung der Ware durch einen außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ansässigen Käufer oder dessen Beauftragten und bei Verbringung in das Außengebiet, ist der Käufer verpflichtet, uns unverzüglich den steuerlich erforderlichen Ausfuhrnachweis beizubringen. Anderenfalls verpflichtet sich der Käufer zur Zahlung des für Lieferungen innerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geltenden Umsatzsteuersatzes.
Bei Lieferungen innerhalb der EU verpflichtet sich der Käufer, uns unverzüglich nach Lieferung einen den jeweiligen umsatzsteuerlicher Pflichten entsprechenden Verbringungsnachweis zu übermitteln.
13. Anzuwendendes Recht, Erfüllungsort, Gerichtsstand
Es gilt deutsches Recht. Die Bestimmungen des Wiener UN Übereinkommens vom 11.04.1980 betreffend Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf (UNKaufrecht) finden keine Anwendung.
Ergänzend und nachrangig zu Individualvereinbarungen und den AVB FLOHE gelten die Incoterms 2010.
Sollte eine Bestimmung nichtig sein oder werden, bleiben die übrigen Bestimmungen gültig.
Erfüllungsort für die Lieferung ist jeweils der Ort, von dem aus die Lieferung erfolgt. Erfüllungsort für alle Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferverhältnissen mit Vollkaufleuten und juristischen Personen des öffentlichen Rechts ist unser Sitz.
The place of jurisdiction for these delivery relationships is Dortmund. We are also entitled to take legal action at the buyer’s place of business.