This corporate policy is the consistent and goal-oriented direction we take with all our activities.
FLOHE is a reliable company and with its reputation for quality, has earned the confidence of customers.
In the understanding that is shown by our staff, the awareness of the importance of quality in high-end components and innovative services are both factors that have a long tradition.
In everything we do, the focus is put on:
We fulfil the needs of our customers with reliable products and innovative services based on a full-service concept.
We recognise customer needs and the needs of the market at an early stage.
We quickly analyse the problems that our customers face and develop solutions from ideas.
We manufacture our high-end products with great care and expertise.
We are an internationally-thinking system provider. In order to exploit all market opportunities, we promote the exchange of expertise and enter into strategic partnerships if necessary.
We secure our competitive position through speed and continuous innovation.
Quality and customer service take centre stage.
A focus on our suppliers
We enter into long-term partnerships with our suppliers and in return, we expect delivery which is on-time and correct, at fair market prices as well as the transfer of innovation.
Our company strives to both minimise the environmental impact of its activities as well as to prevent environmental damage. We register and systematically assess all of the relevant environmental impacts that arise from our company’s activities.
We maintain a conscious approach when dealing with resources and act in an environmentally conscious way.
We are committed to marketing products that focus on energy and resource minimisation.
We formulate environmental goals and then monitor their successful implementation. In doing so, we take steps to continuously improve our environmental performance.
We strive to cooperate well with authorities and maintain open communication with them.
We urge our contractual partners to assist us in the successful implementation of our environmental policy.
A focus on our staff
It is our view that experienced members of staff who have been working with us for many years take the credit for the entrepreneurship of our company.
We value the personal goals and conviction of our staff and work to support their personal and career development. Working as they do with a sense of responsibility, they identify with their area of work and act in the interest of the company. In terms of quality, they contribute to continuous improvement.
We support teamwork and harmony in all areas through a performance enhancing working environment.
We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees at the highest level. We are committed to preventing injuries and illness.
We also support continuous improvements with regard to occupational health and safety management as well as occupational health and safety services.
We strive to continuously improve our performance through internal qualifications and training, suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism.
A focus on society
Social engagement is present in everything we do.
We are committed to complying with applicable legal obligations and other requirements.
We design our processes in such a way that they are safe for staff, residents and customers and do not affect the environment.
We know that in the long term, we only remain competitive through our constant willingness to change and act accordingly.
Risk Managment
FLOHE is aware that all aspects of the health and safety of people, the protection of the environment and our material assets are part of risk management. At the same time, all of these points are closely interrelated and cannot be considered in isolation without compromising the goal of the entire process to provide excellent services.
In the interest of its employees, customers and the community in which our company is located, FLOHE uses risk management to protect and preserve its tangible as well as intangible assets from damage or loss.
On the basis of our occupational safety management system, we are able to achieve and continuously improve the following risk management objectives:
(a) Identify and evaluate the risks to which FLOHE is exposed.
b) implement appropriate measures to prevent, reduce and control these risks
c) setting up systems, means and aids to compensate for the effects of any possible damage, in the spirit of the best possible risk management.
The management of the Flohe Group hereby puts the company policy into effect.
Whatever we do, it is based on: